Typical Applications (Continued)
High-Sensitivity Light Controller
Lamp brightness increases until ii e 5V R1 (Ii can be set as low as 1 mA)
Necessary only if raw supply filter capacitor is more than 2 from LM7905
g15V 1 Amp Tracking Regulators
TL H 7340 – 9
Load Regulation at DIL e 1A
Output Ripple CIN e 3000 mF IL e 1A
Temperature Stability
Output Noise 10 Hz s f s 10 kHz
40 mV
100 mVrms
50 mV
150 mVrms
2 mV
100 mVrms
50 mV
150 mVrms
Resistor tolerance of R4 and R5 determine matching of (a) and (b)
Necessary only if raw supply filter capacitors are more than 3 from regu-
TL H 7340 – 1