MC33171, MC33172, MC33174, NCV33172
If power to this integrated circuit is applied in reverse
polarity, or if the IC is installed backwards in a socket, large
unlimited current surges will occur through the device that
may result in device destruction.
As usual with most high frequency amplifiers, proper lead
dress, component placement and PC board layout should be
exercised for optimum frequency performance. For
example, long unshielded input or output leads may result in
unwanted input/output coupling. In order to preserve the
relatively low input capacitance associated with these
amplifiers, resistors connected to the inputs should be
immediately adjacent to the input pin to minimize additional
stray input capacitance. This not only minimizes the input
pole for optimum frequency response, but also minimizes
extraneous “pick up” at this node. Supply decoupling with
adequate capacitance immediately adjacent to the supply pin
is also important, particularly over temperature, since many
types of decoupling capacitors exhibit great impedance
changes over temperature.
The output of any one amplifier is current limited and thus
protected from a direct short to ground. However, under
such conditions, it is important not to allow the device to
exceed the maximum junction temperature rating. Typically
for ±15 V supplies, any one output can be shorted
continuously to ground without exceeding the maximum
temperature rating.