Power Supply
CONFIG0=’0’: ABE is inactive after VDD returned to normal operating voltage and filtering time has expired.
At the transition from overvoltage to normal condition, the output stages will return to normal operation. For output
control via SPI the bits MUX and SINx in the config register have to be re-programmed. New failures are not stored
to diagnostic registers during overvoltage, register content remains valid, writing new information to configure
registers is possible as far as they are not reset by ABE.
VDD Monitoring Test Mode
Testing of VDD monitoring is possible in SPI mode only. The latch function for over voltage at VDD has to be
switched of (CONFIG0=0 in STATCON_REG)
Testing upper threshold:
By writing 00xxxxxxb into STATCON_REG, the overvoltage threshold is reduced to VDD_TEST_H.
STATCON_REG bit 2 and 0 have to be LOW then. After writing 1xxxxxxxb to STATCON_REG, bit 2 and 0 in
STATCON_REG must be HIGH again
Testing lower threshold:
By writing 01xxxxxxb into STATCON_REG, the undervoltage threshold is increased to VDD_TEST_L.
STATCON_REG bit 2 and 1 have to be LOW then. After writing 1xxxxxxxb to STATCON_REG, bit 2 and 1 in
STATCON_REG must be HIGH again.
VDDIO - Digital Output Supply and Diagnostic Mode Selection
The voltage at VDDIO is used to supply the output buffer at the SO pin (serial output of SPI-interface). The VDDIO
pin is also used to select SPI- or in status flag (SF) diagnostic mode. As soon as VDDIO is lower than VDDIO_L, the
device is put into status flag mode.
to internal logic
(SF-mode / SPI-mode)
SF/SPI - mode
threshold VDDIO_L
from internal logic
Figure 4 VDDIO and SO-Pin
Data Sheet
Rev. 1.0, 2010-02-16