PZT 3906
Switching Times
Turn-on time when switched from + VBEoff = 0.5 V to – VBEon = 10.6 V, – ICon = 10 mA;
– IBon = 1 mA
Input waveform; tr < 1 ns; tp = 300 ns;
δ = 0.02.
Delay and rise time test circuit; total shunt
capacitance of test jig and connectors
CS < 4 pF; scope impedance = 10 MΩ.
Turn-off time ICon = 10 mA; IBon = – IBoff = 1 mA
Input waveform; tf < 1 ns; 10 µs < tp ≤ 500 µs;
δ = 0.02.
Storage and fall time test circuit; total shunt
capacitance of test jig and connectors
CS < 4 pF; scope impedance = 10 MΩ.
Semiconductor Group