4-/6-/8-Channel, 16-Bit,
Simultaneous-Sampling ADCs
Applications Information
Digital Interface
The bidirectional, parallel, digital interface, DB0–DB3,
sets the 4-bit configuration register. This interface
configures the following control signals: chip select
(CS), read (RD), write (WR), end of conversion (EOC),
and convert start (CONVST). Figures 6 and 7 and the
Timing Characteristics in the Electrical Characteristics
table show the operation of the interface. DB0–DB3,
together with the output-only DB4–DB15, also output
the 16-bit conversion result. All bits are high imped-
ance when RD = 1 or CS = 1.
DB3 (Int/Ext Reference)
DB3 selects the internal or external reference. The POR
default = 0.
0 = internal reference, REFIO internally driven through a
10kΩ resistor, bypass with 0.1µF capacitor to AGND.
1 = external reference, drive REFIO with a high-quality
DB2 (Output Data Format)
DB2 selects the output data format. The POR default = 0.
0 = offset binary.
1 = two’s complement.
Set to 0 for normal operation.
0 = normal operation.
1 = reserved; do not use.
DB1 (Reserved)
DB0 selects the acquisition mode. The POR default = 0.
0 = CONVST controls the acquisition and conversion.
Drive CONVST low to start acquisition. The rising edge
of CONVST begins the conversion.
1 = acquisition mode starts as soon as the previous
conversion is complete. The rising edge of CONVST
begins the conversion.
Programming the Configuration Register
To program the configuration register, bring the CS and
WR low and apply the required configuration data on
DB3–DB0 of the bus and then raise WR once to save
Table 1. Configuration Register
Data Format
Starting a Conversion
CONVST initiates conversions. The MAX11044/
MAX11045/MAX11046 provide two acquisition modes
set through the configuration register. Allow a quiet time
(tQ) of 500ns prior to the start of conversion to avoid
any noise interference during readout or write opera-
tions from corrupting a sample.
In default mode (DB0 = 0), drive CONVST low to place
the MAX11044/MAX11045/MAX11046 into acquisition
mode. All the input switches are closed and the internal
T/H circuits track the respective input voltage. Keep the
CONVST signal low for at least 1µs (tACQ) to enable
proper settling of the sampled voltages. On the rising
edge of CONVST, the switches are opened and the
MAX11044/MAX11045/MAX11046 begin the conversion
on all the samples in parallel. EOC remains high until
the conversion is completed.
In the second mode (DB0 = 1), the MAX11044/
MAX11045/MAX11046 enter acquisition mode as soon
as the previous conversion is completed. CONVST rising
edge initiates the next sample and conversion sequence.
CONVST needs to be low for at least 20ns to be valid.
Provide adequate time for acquisition and the requisite
quiet time in both modes to achieve accurate sampling
and maximum performance of the MAX11044/
Reading Conversion Results
The CS and RD are active-low, digital inputs that con-
trol the readout through the 16-bit, parallel, 20MHz data
bus (D0–D15). After EOC transitions low, read the con-
version data by driving CS and RD low. Each low peri-
od of RD presents the next channel’s result. When CS
and RD are high, the data bus is high impedance. CS
may be driven high between individual channel read-
outs or left low during the entire 8-channel readout.
Internal Reference
The MAX11044/MAX11045/MAX11046 feature a preci-
sion, low-drift, internal bandgap reference. Bypass REFIO
with a 0.1µF capacitor to AGND to reduce noise. The
REFIO output voltage may be used as a reference for
other circuits. The output impedance of REFIO is 10kΩ.
Drive only high impedance circuits or buffer externally
when using REFIO to drive external circuitry.
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