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CG2H40010P Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Cree, Inc

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CG2H40010P Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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Specifications are subject to change without notice. Cree, Inc. believes the information contained within this data sheet to be accurate
and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Cree for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may
result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Cree. Cree makes no warranty,
representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. “Typical” parameters are the average
values expected by Cree in large quantities and are provided for information purposes only. These values can and do vary in different
applications and actual performance can vary over time. All operating parameters should be validated by customer’s technical experts
for each application. Cree products are not designed, intended or authorized for use as components in applications intended for surgical
implant into the body or to support or sustain life, in applications in which the failure of the Cree product could result in personal injury or
death or in applications for planning, construction, maintenance or direct operation of a nuclear facility.
For more information, please contact:
Cree, Inc.
4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, North Carolina, USA 27703
Sarah Miller
Cree, RF Components
Ryan Baker
Marketing & Sales
Cree, RF Components
Tom Dekker
Sales Director
Cree, RF Components
Copyright © 2017-2018 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree and the Cree logo are
registered trademarks of Cree, Inc.
CG2H40010 Rev 1.1
Cree, Inc.
4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, North Carolina, USA 27703
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300
Fax: +1.919.869.2733

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