Check Power Mode(98h, E5h)
This command checks the power mode.
Execute Drive Diagnostic(90h)
This command performs the internal diagnostic tests
implemented by the card.
Erase Sector(s)(C0h)
This command is used to pre-erase and condition data
sectors in advance of a Write without Erase or Write
Multiple without Erase command.
Format Track(50h)
This command writes the desired head and cylinder of the
selected drive with a FFh pattern.
Identify Drive(ECh)
This command enables the host to receive parameter
information from the card. (Refer to the Identify Drive
Information table.)
Idle(97h, E3h)
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Idle
mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt. If the sector
count is non-zero, the automatic power down mode is
enabled. If the sector count is zero, the automatic power
down mode is disabled.
Idle Immediate(95h, E1h)
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the idle
mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt.
Initialize Drive Parameters(91h)
This command allows the host to alter the number of sectors
per track and the number of heads per cylinder.
Read Buffer(E4h)
This command enables the host to read the current contents
of the card’s sector buffer.
Read DMA(C8h,C9h)
This command enables the host to read the sector data by
the Multiword DMA protocol.
Read Long Sector(22h, 23h)
This command is similar to the Read Sector(s) command
except the contents of the Sector Count register are ignored
and only one sector is read. The 512 data bytes and 4 ECC
bytes are read into the buffer(with no ECC correction) and
then transferred to the host.
MF6XXXX-02BJXX series
Read Multiple(C4h)
This command performs similarly to the Read Sector(s)
command. Interrupt are not generated on each sector, but on
the transfer of a block which contains the number of sectors
defined by a Set Multiple command.
Read Sector(s)(20h, 21h)
This command transfers data from the card to the host. Data
transfer starts at the sector specified by the Cylinder, Head,
and Sector Number registers, and proceeds for the number
of sectors specified in the Sector Count register.
Read Verify Sector(s)(40h, 41h)
This command is identical to the Read Sector(s) command,
except that DRQ is not asserted, and no data is transferred to
the host.
Although this command is supported for backward
compatibility, it has no actual function. The card will always
return good status at the completion of this command.
Request Sense(03h)
This command requests extended error information for the
previous command.
This command is supported for backward compatibility.
Although this command has no actual function, it does
perform a range check of valid track, and posts an IDNF
error if the Head or Cylinder specified are out of bounds.
Set Features(EFh)
This command is used by the host to establish or select
certain features.
Set Multiple Mode(C6h)
This command enables the card to perform Read and Write
Multiple operations and establishes the block count for these
commands. This card supports 1 sector block size.
Set Sleep Mode(99h, E6h)
This command causes the card to set BSY, enter the Sleep
mode, clear BSY and generate an interrupt.
Oct.2000. Rev. 0.3