Figure 19. Read Identification (RDID)
Enter OTP Mode (3Ah)
This Flash has a extra 256 bytes OTP sector, user must issue ENTER OTP MODE command to enter
OTP mode before reading / programming or erasing OTP sector. After entering OTP mode, the OTP
sector is mapping to sector 255, SRP bit becomes OTP_LOCK bit and can be reading by RDSR
command. Program / Erase command will be disabled when OTP_LOCK is ‘1’
WRSR command will ignore the input data and program LOCK_BIT to 1.
User must clear the protect bits before enter OTP mode.
OTP sector can only be program and erase when LOCK_BIT equal ‘0’ and sector 255 not protected. In
OTP mode, user can read other sectors, but program/erase other sectors only allowed when OTP_LOCK
equal ‘0’.
User can use WRDI (04H) command to exit OTP mode.
Figure 20. Enter OTP Mode
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions 21 ©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc., www.essi.com.tw
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.
Rev. D, Issue Date: 2007/05/16