LB1860, LB1860M,
LB1861, LB1861M
Monolithic Digital IC
Two-Phase Half-Wave
Variable Speed
Fan Motor Driver
The LB1860 series ICs are drivers for two-phase unipolar drive DC
brushless fan motors. They have functions such as driving, lock
protection, restart and speed control.
Two-speed mode select function requiring less external component
additions : Full speed and Low speed. Or, thermistor-controlled
continuous variable-speed function according to ambient operation
Motor starts rotating at a low speed.
Motor lock protection and automatic return circuit built in
Output transistors: Output current IO = 1.5 A, output circuit protection
Zener diodes
(LB1860 : M-Vz = 57 V/ LB1861: M-Vz = 32 V)
Enables low-level noise protection with chip capacitor.
Built-in thermal shutdown circuit Built-in rotation detect function
(Drive mode: ‘‘L’’, Stop mode: ‘‘H’’)
The LB1860 series can be operated from either 12 V or 24 V power
supply by changing an external resistor.
(Strong protection against power supply surge)
Connectable direct to a Hall element
PDIP10 / DIP10S (300 mil)
[LB1860, LB1861]
SOIC14 W / MFP14S (225 mil)
[LB1860M, LB1861M]
See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 8 of this data sheet.
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014
August 2014 - Rev. 0
Publication Order Number :