ISL83483, ISL83485, ISL83488, ISL83490, ISL83491
Pin Descriptions
RO Receiver output: If A > B by at least 0.2V, RO is high; If A < B by 0.2V or more, RO is low; RO = High if A and B are unconnected (floating).
Receiver output enable. RO is enabled when RE is low; RO is high impedance when RE is high.
Driver output enable. The driver outputs, Y and Z, are enabled by bringing DE high. They are high impedance when DE is low.
Driver input. A low on DI forces output Y low and output Z high. Similarly, a high on DI forces output Y high and output Z low.
GND Ground connection.
A/Y Noninverting receiver input and noninverting driver output. Pin is an input if DE = 0; pin is an output if DE = 1.
B/Z Inverting receiver input and inverting driver output. Pin is an input if DE = 0; pin is an output if DE = 1.
Noninverting receiver input.
Inverting receiver input.
Noninverting driver output.
Inverting driver output.
VCC System power supply input (3V to 3.6V).
NC No Connection.
FN6052 Rev 3.00
August 2004
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