CYStech Electronics Corp.
Recommended temperature profile for wave soldering
Spec. No. : C316
Issued Date : 2005.12.21
Revised Date : 2006.03.17
Page No. : 7/9
1. Preheat temperature at solder side must be between 100 and 130 ℃ for 80 to 100
2. Temperature ramp-up rate : 1~2 ℃/s
3. The temperature gradient between preheat and wave soldering must be smaller than
4. Terminations must go through the wave simultaneously.
5. Travel through the wave from 255 to 260℃ for 2.5 to 3.5 seconds
6. Temperature ramp-down rate : 2~3 ℃/s
CYStek Product Specification