M29W800T, M29W800B
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)
Ambient Operating Temperature (3)
–40 to 85
Temperature Under Bias
–50 to 125
VIO (2)
Storage Temperature
Input or Output Voltages
–65 to 150
–0.6 to 5
Supply Voltage
–0.6 to 5
V(A9, E, G, RP) (2) A9, E, G, RP Voltage
–0.6 to 13.5
Notes: 1. Except for the rating ”Operating Temperature Range”, stresses above those listed in the Table ”Absolute Maximum Ratings”
may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other
conditions above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not i mplied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum
Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Refer also to the STMicroelectronics SURE Program and other
relevant quality documents.
2. Minimum Voltage may undershoot to –2V during transition and for less than 20ns.
3. Depends on range.
and temporarily unprotected to make changes in
the application. Each block can be programmed
and erased over 100,000 cycles.
Instructions for Read/Reset, Auto Select for read-
ing the Electronic Signature or Block Protection
status, Programming, Block and Chip Erase, Erase
Suspend and Resume are written to the device in
cycles of commandsto a Command Interfaceusing
standard microprocessor write timings.
The device is offered in TSOP48 (12 x 20mm) and
SO44 packages. Both normal and reverse pinouts
are available for the TSOP48 package.
The M29W800 is organised as 1 M x8 or 512K x16
bits selectable by the BYTE signal. When BYTE is
Low the Byte-wide x8 organisation is selected and
the address lines are DQ15A–1 and A0-A18. The
Data Input/Output signal DQ15A–1 acts as ad-
dress line A–1 which selects the lower or upper
Byte of the memory word for output on DQ0-DQ7,
DQ8-DQ14 remain at High impedan ce. When
BYTE is High the memory uses the address inputs
A0-A18 and the Data Input/Outputs DQ0-DQ15.
Memory control is provided by Chip Enable E,
Output Enable G and Write Enable W inputs.
AReset/Block TemporaryUnprotection RP tri-level
input provides a hardware reset when pulled Low,
and when held High (at VID) temporarily unprotects
blocks previously protected allowing them to be
programed and erased. Erase and Program opera-
tions are controlled by an internal Program/Erase
Controller (P/E.C.). Status Register data output on
DQ7 provides a Data Polling signal, and DQ6 and
DQ2 provide Toggle signals to indicate the state of
the P/E.C operations. A Ready/Busy RB output
indicates the completion of the internal algorithms.
Memory Blocks
The devices feature asymmetrically blocked archi-
tecture providing system memory integration. Both
M29W800Tand M29W800Bdevices have an array
of 19 blocks, one Boot Block of 16 KBytes or 8
KWords, two Parameter Blocks of 8 KBytes or 4
KWords, one Main Block of 32 KBytes or 16
KWords and fifteenMain Blocks of 64 KBytes or 32
KWords. The M29W800T has the Boot Block at the
top of the memory address space and the
M29W800B locates the Boot Block starting at the
bottom. The memory maps are showed in Figure
Each block can be erased separately, any combi-
nation of blocks can be specified for multi-block
erase or the entire chip may be erased. The Erase
operations are managed automatically by the
P/E.C. The block erase operation can be sus-
pended in order to read from or program to any
block not being ersased, and then resumed.
Block protection provides additional data security.
Each block can be separately protected or unpro-
tected against Program or Erase on programming
equipment. All previously protected blocks can be
temporarily unprotected in the application.
Bus Operations
The following operations can be performed using
the appropriatebus cycles: Read (Array, Electronic
Signature, Block Protection Status), Write com-
mand, Output Disable, Standby, Reset, Block Pro-
tection, Unprotection, Protection Verify,
Unprotection Verify and Block Temporary Unpro-
tection. See Tables 4 and 5.