Philips Electronics
10-bit bus transceiver (3-State)

Philips Electronics
9-bit interface latch with set and reset (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
9-bit D-type flip-flop with reset and enable; 3-state

NXP Semiconductors.
10-bit buffer/line driver; non-inverting; 3-state

Philips Electronics
10-bit D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger (3-State)

Philips Electronics
9-bit bus transceiver (3-State)

Fairchild Semiconductor
9-Bit Latchable Transceiver with Parity Generator/Checker

Philips Electronics
8-bit bus interface latch with set and reset (3-State)

Philips Electronics
9-bit D-type flip-flop with reset and enable (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
10-bit bus interface latch; 3-state

Philips Electronics
10-bit buffer/line driver, non-inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with parity generator/checker (3-State)

Philips Electronics
9-bit dual latch transceiver with 8-bit parity generator/checker (3-State)