This pin is the static indicator driving output. It is only active in master operation. The frame signal output
pin, M, should be used as the back plane signal for the static indicator. The duration of overlapping can
be programmable. This pin, MSTAT, becomes high impedance if the chip is operating in slave mode.
Please see the Extended Command Table for reference.
This pin is the frame signal input/output. In master mode, the pin supplies frame signal to slave devices.
In slave mode, the pin receives frame signal from the master device.
This pin is the system clock input/output. When the internal oscillator is enabled (CLS pin pulled high),
and the master mode is enabled (M/ S pin pulled high), this pin supplies system clock signal to the slave
device. When internal oscillator is disabled and the slave mode is enabled, the pin receives system clock
signal from the master device or external clock source.
This pin is the display blanking signal control pin. In master mode, this pin supplies “display on” or
“display off” signal (blanking signal) to slave devices. In slave mode, this pin receives “display on” or
“display off” signal from the master device.
CS1, CS2
These pins are the chip select inputs. The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS1 is
pulled low and CS2 is pulled high.
This pin is the reset signal input. Initialization of the chip is started once this pin is pulled low. Minimum
pulse width for completing the reset procedure is 1us.
D/ C
This pin is Data/Command control pin. When the pin is pulled high, the input at D7-D0 is treated as display
data. When the pin is pulled low, the input at D7-D0 will be transferred to the command register. For
detailed relationship with other MCU interface signals, please refer to the Timing Characteristics
R/ W ( WR )
This pin is MCU interface input. When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as
Read/Write (R/ W ) selection input. Read mode will be carried out when this pin is pulled high and write
mode when this pin is pulled low.
When 8080 interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write ( WR ) input. Data write operation is
initiated when this pin is pulled low and the chip is selected.
E( RD )
This pin is MCU interface input. When 6800 interface mode is selected, this pin will be used as the
Enable (E) signal. Read/ write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled high and the chip is selected.
When 8080 interface mode is selected, this pin receives the Read ( RD ) signal. Data read operation is
initiated when this pin is pulled low and the chip is selected.
SSD1818 Series
Rev 1.2