Quality at NOVACAP is conformance to requirements in all our
dealings with: Our Customers - Our Vendors - Our Employees -
The Environment. The system for quality is prevention of defects,
and to attain continuous improvements in every activity. Every
employee is committed to doing the job right, the first time.
NOVACAP maintains an ongoing education program for all of its
employees, to create quality awareness, develop communication skills, provide
formal capacitor processing education, and to create problem solving teams.
NOVACAP provides Applications Notes in this catalog as a user’s guide to chip selection and
attachment methods. For more details on MLC products, please refer to the NOVACAP
Technical Brochure, available on the NOVACAP website. The Technical Brochure describes capacitor
applications, the nature of capacitance, dielectric properties and behavior, classes of dielectrics, ferroelectric behav-
ior, electrical properties, test standards, high reliability testing, visual criteria and detailed user guidelines. Please do not hesitate to
contact the factory for any product or technical assistance.
NOVACAP reserves the right to make changes in product designs and/or pricing. Sales are subject to the terms and conditions as
defined on NOVACAP invoice and packing slips. NOVACAP has no control on conditions of use; no warranties are made or implied
as to suitability for the customer’s intended use. NOVACAP shall in no event be responsible for incidental or consequential dam-
ages including, without limitation, to personal injury or property damage.
The NOVACAP Website outlines the product offerings in catalog format. These
catalogs are updated on a routine basis, and presented in pdf format for easy
viewing and downloading. All capacitance values are shown as maximum values.
Please refer to the Webpage whenever you need to update your data sheets.
Web Page: E-Mail:
25136 Anza Drive,Valencia, CA 91355
Tel: (661) 295-5920 Fax: (661) 295-5928
This catalog outlines the products available from NOVACAP. To access SYFER TECHNOLOGY catalogs or
obtain additional information please use the Syfer website at, or contact Syfer Sales directly
by telephone: 44 1603 723310, fax: 44 1603 723301, or Email: