24-Bit General Purpose
Digital Signal Processor
Pin Grid Array (PGA)
Available in an 88 pin ceramic
through-hole package.
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by DSP56001/D
The DSP56001 is a member of Motorola’s family of
HCMOS, low-power, general purpose Digital Signal
Processors. The DSP56001 features 512 words of full
Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (CQFP)
Available in a 132 pin, small footprint,
surface mount package.
speed, on-chip program RAM (PRAM) memory, two
256 word data RAMs, two preprogrammed data
ROMs, and special on-chip bootstrap hardware to per-
mit convenient loading of user programs into the pro-
Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)
Available in a 132 pin, small footprint,
surface mount package.
gram RAM. It is an off-the-shelf part since the program
memory is user programmable. The core of the processor consists of three execution units operating in parallel — the data ALU,
the address generation unit, and the program controller. The DSP56001 has MCU-style on-chip peripherals, program and data
memory, as well as a memory expansion port. The MPU-style programming model and instruction set make writing efficient, com-
pact code, straightforward.
The high throughput of the DSP56001 makes it well-suited for communication, high-speed control, numeric processing, computer
and audio applications. The key features which facilitate this throughput are:
• Speed
• Precision
• Parallelism
• Integration
• Invisible Pipeline
• Instruction Set
• DSP56000/DSP56001
• Low Power
At 16.5 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 33 MHz clock, the DSP56001 can execute
a 1024 point complex Fast Fourier Transform in1.98 milliseconds (66,240 clock cycles).
The data paths are 24 bits wide thereby providing 144 dB of dynamic range; intermediate results
held in the 56-bit accumulators can range over 336 dB.
The data ALU, address arithmetic units, and program controller operate in parallel so that an in-
struction prefetch, a 24x24-bit multiplication, a 56-bit addition, two data moves, and two address
pointer updates using one of three types of arithmetic (linear, modulo, or reverse carry) can be
executed in a single instruction cycle. This parallelism allows a four coefficient Infinite Impulse Re-
sponse (IIR) filter section to be executed in only four cycles, the theoretical minimum for a single
multiplier architecture.
In addition to the three independent execution units, the DSP56001 has six on-chip memories,
three on-chip MCU style peripherals (Serial Communication Interface, Synchronous Serial Inter-
face, and Host Interface), a clock generator and seven buses (three address and four data), mak-
ing the overall system functionally complete and powerful, but also very low cost, low power, and
The three-stage instruction pipeline is essentially invisible to the programmer thus allowing
straightforward program development in either assembly language or a high-level language such
as ANSI C.
The 62 instruction mnemonics are MCU-like making the transition from programming micropro-
cessors to programming the DSP56001 digital signal processor as easy as possible. The orthog-
onal syntax supports control of the parallel execution units. This syntax provides 12,808,830 dif-
ferent instruction variations using the 62 instruction mnemonics. The no-overhead DO instruction
and the REPEAT (REP) instruction make writing straight-line code obsolete.
The DSP56001 is identical to the DSP56000 except that it has 512x24-bits of on-chip program
RAM instead of 3.75K of program ROM; a 32x24-bit bootstrap ROM for loading the program RAM
from either a byte-wide memory mapped ROM or via the Host Interface; and the on-chip X and Y
Data ROMs have been preprogrammed as positive Mu- and A-Law to linear expansion tables and
a full, four quadrant sine wave table, respectively.
As a CMOS part, the DSP56001 is inherently very low power; however, three other features can
reduce power consumption to an exceptionally low level.
— The WAIT instruction shuts off the clock in the central processor portion of the DSP56001.
— The STOP instruction halts the internal oscillator.
— Power increases linearly (approximately) with frequency; thus, reducing the clock frequency
reduces power consumption.
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
Rev. 3
May 4, 1998