For Communications Equipment
CODEC LSI for Facsimile Images
The MN86062 is a high-speed LSI codec for compressing
and decompressing images using the MH, MR, and MMR
standard compression methods specified in the ITU-T T.4
and T.6 recommendation. Registers and other settings
provide flexible support for a variety of processing.
Compression methods
MH, MR, and MMR
Operating mode:
Page mode
Bus configuration:
Choice of dual- or single-bus operation
Decoding error processing:
Choice of replacing with the previous line or a
white line
Image bus configuration:
8 bits, maximum 16 megabytes address
space of image bus, 2-channel master DMA
System bus configuration:
X80 interface compatible, 8 bits, 2-channel
slave DMA
Pixels per line:
maximum 64K, in byte increments
Concurrent DMA transfers over image bus and
command processing
Support for pointer management for image buffer
Wide selection of independent parameters for coding,
decoding, transfers between buses, and DMA
Support for time-shared processing by line for both
coding and decoding
Facsimile equipment