Universal Streak Camera C5680 Series
Measurements Ranging From X-Ray to Near Infrared With a Temporal Resolution of 2 ps
The streak camera is an ultra high-speed
detector which captures light emission
phenomena occurring in extremely short
time periods. Not only can the streak camera
measure intensity variations with superb
temporal resolution, but it can also be used
for simultaneous measurement of the spatial
(or spectral) distribution.
The C5680 Streak Camera Series is a
universal streak camera which incorporates
all of the specialized technology and
expertise HAMAMATSU has acquired in over
20 years of research. The streak tubes are
manufactured on a regular production
schedule at Hamamatsu to provide
consistency and reliability. Special requests
and custom designs are also available.
• Measurement of electron bunch for
synchrotron and LINAC applications
• Research involving X-ray lasers, free
electron lasers, and various other types
of pulsed lasers
• Plasma light emission, radiation, laser
ablasion, combustion and explosions
• Fluorescence lifetime measurement,
transient absorption measurement,
time-resolved raman spectroscopy
• Optical soliton communications, response
measurement with quantum devices
• Lidar Thomson scattering, laser distance