Wide Input Voltage Range, High Efficiency
Fault Tolerant LED Driver
Functional Description
The A8510 incorporates a current-mode boost controller with
internal DMOS switch, and eight LED current sinks. It can be
used to drive eight LED strings of up to 12 white LEDs in series,
with current up to 40 mA per string. For optimal efficiency,
the output of the boost stage is adaptively adjusted to the mini-
mum voltage required to power all of the LED strings. This is
expressed by the following equation:
VOUT = max ( VLED1 ,..., VLED8 ) + VREG
VLEDx is the voltage drop across LED strings 1 through 8, and
VREG is the regulation voltage of the LED current sinks (typi-
cally 0.68 V at the maximum LED current).
Enabling the IC
The IC turns on when a logic high signal is applied on the
EN/PWM pin with a minimum duration of tPWMH for the first
clock cycle, and the input voltage present on the VIN pin is
greater than the 4.35 V necessary to clear the UVLO (VUVLOrise )
threshold. The power-up sequence is shown in figure 2. Before
the LEDs are enabled, the A8510 driver goes through a system
check to determine if there are any possible fault conditions that
might prevent the system from functioning correctly. Also, if the
FSET/SYNC pin is pulled low, the IC will not power-up. More
information on the FSET/SYNC pin can be found below, in the
Synchronization section of this document.
Powering up: LED pin short-to-GND check
The VIN pin has a UVLO function that prevents the A8510 from
powering-up until the UVLO threshold is reached. After the VIN
pin goes above UVLO, and a high signal is present on the EN/
PWM pin, the IC proceeds to power-up. As shown in figure 3, at
this point the A8510 enables the disconnect switch and checks if
any LED pins are shorted to GND and/or are not used. The LED
detect phase starts when the VGATE voltage of the disconnect
switch is equal to VIN – 4.5 V.
After the voltage threshold on the LEDx pins exceeds 120 mV, a
timer of 3000 to 4000 clock cycles is used to determine the status
of the pins. Thus, the LED detection duration varies with the
switching frequency, as shown in the following table:
Switching Frequency
Detection Time
1.5 to 2
3 to 4
3.75 to 5
5 to 6.7
The LED pin detection voltage thresholds are as follows:
LED Pin Voltage LED Pin Status
<70 mV
150 mV
Not used
>325 mV
LED pin in use
Power-up is halted
LED removed from operation
VGATE = VIN – 4.5 V
LED detection period
Figure 2. Power-up diagram at fSW = 2 MHz; shows VDD (ch1, 2 V/div.),
FSET/SYNC (ch2, 1 V/div.), ISET (ch3, 1 V/div.), and EN/PWM (ch4, 2 V/
div.) pins, t = 200 μs/div.
Figure 3. Power-up diagram; shows the relationship of an LEDx pin with
respect to the gate voltage of the disconnect switch (if used) during the
LED detect phase, as well as the duration of the LED detect phase for a
switching frequency of 800 kHz; shows VGATE (ch1, 5 V/div.), LEDx (ch2,
500 mV/div.), ISET (ch3, 1 V/div.), and EN/PWM (ch4, 5 V/div.) pins,
t = 1 ms/div.
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.
1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com