The AD5932 evaluation board allows designers to evaluate the high
performance AD5932 DDS modulator with minimum effort.
The evaluation board interfaces to the USB port of a PC. It is
possible to power the entire board from the USB port. All that
is needed to complete the evaluation of the chip is either a
spectrum analyzer or a scope.
The DDS evaluation kit includes a populated and tested AD5932
printed circuit board. The EVAL-AD5932EB kit is shipped with
a CD-ROM that includes self-installing software. The PC is
connected to the evaluation board using the supplied cable.
The software is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and
Windows XP.
A schematic of the evaluation board is shown in Figure 38 and
Figure 39.
Using the AD5932 Evaluation Board
The AD5932 evaluation kit is a test system designed to simplify
the evaluation of the AD5932. An application note is also
available with the evaluation board that gives full information
on operating the evaluation board.
Prototyping Area
An area is available on the evaluation board for the user to add
additional circuits to the evaluation test set. Users may want to
build custom analog filters for the output or add buffers and
operational amplifiers to be used in the final application.
XO vs. External Clock
The AD5932 can operate with master clocks up to 50 MHz.
A 50 MHz oscillator is included on the evaluation board.
However, this oscillator can be removed and, if required, an
external CMOS clock can be connected to the part.
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