Op Amp Stability for Capacitive Loads
Driving capacitive loads can be challenging for op amps. Stability, bandwidth, and settling time are all concerns when capacitive loads are involved.
This tool helps prevent and remedy any potential issues that might arise when driving capacitive loads. This tool is Web based.
Visit www.analog.com/opamp_stability.
Vrms/dBm/dBu/dBV Calculator
A utility to convert between standard units of power measurement and signal strength, this calculator converts between dBm, dBu, dBV, Vpeak, and Vrms
(ANSI T1.523-2001 definitions). dBm is a power ratio relative to 1 mW, dBu and dBV are voltage ratios, relative to 0.775 V and 1 V, respectively.
Visit www.analog.com/vrms_dbm_dbu_dbv_calculator.
60 | Operational Amplifier Selection Guide