Low Cost, Precision JFET Input Operational
Amplifier in TSOT
Preliminary Technical Data
Very low offset voltage: 1 mV max
Bias current: 10 pA max
Small packaging, TSOT-23 lead-free
±5 V to ±15 V operation
High slew rate: 20 V/μs
Low voltage noise: 15 nV/√Hz
Unity gain stable
Wide bandwidth: 6 MHz
Reference gain/buffers
Level shift/driving
Active filters
Power line monitoring/control
Current/voltage sense or monitoring
Data acquisition
Sample-and-hold circuits
The AD4004 is a JFET input operational amplifier featuring
precision, very low bias current, and low power in a tiny
package at a very attractive price. Combining high input
impedance, low input bias current, wide bandwidth, and fast
slew rate, the AD4000 is an ideal amplifier for driving A/D
inputs and buffering D/A converter outputs.
Figure 1. 5-Lead TSOT (UJ-5)
Figure 2. 8-Lead SOIC (R-8)
Additional applications for the AD4004 include electronic
instruments; ATE amplification, buffering, and integrator
Instrumentation quality photodiode amplification; fast
precision filters (including PLL filters), utility functions like
reference buffering, level shifting, control I/O interface, power
supply control and monitoring functions.
Rev. PrA
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