Table 41. Register 0x06, Fault Queue, Power-On Default = 0x01, Lock = Y, SW Reset = Y
R/W Description
<7:4> Unused
R Reserved.
<3:0> Fault Queue Length
R/W These four bits set the fault queue (the number of out-of-limit measurements made before an
ALERT is generated).
000x = 1
001x = 2
01xx = 3
1xxx = 4
Table 42. Register 0x07, Fan Behavior Register, Power-On Default = 0x09, Lock = Y, SW Reset = Y
Bit Name
R/W Description
Fan2 Off
R/W Set this bit to 1 to switch off Fan 2.
Fan1 Off
R Set this bit to 1 to switch off Fan 1.
R Reserved.
R Reserved.
R/W These bits determine which temperature source controls the DRIVE2 output.
00 = Local temperature controls DRIVE2.
01 = Remote 1 temperature controls DRIVE2.
10 = Remote 2 temperature controls DRIVE2.
11 = DRIVE2 full speed.
R/W These bits determine which temperature source controls the DRIVE1 output.
00 = Local temperature controls DRIVE1.
01 = Remote 1 temperature controls DRIVE1.
10 = Remote 2 temperature controls DRIVE1.
11 = DRIVE1 full speed.
Table 43. Register 0x08, Mask Register 1, Power-On Default = 0x52, Lock = N, SW Reset = Y
Bit Name
R/W Description
Local High
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 0.
Local Low
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 1.
Remote 1 High
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 0.
Remote 1 Low
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 1.
Remote 1 Diode Error R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 0.
Remote 2 High
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 0.
Remote 2 Low
R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 1.
Remote 2 Diode Error R/W A 1 disables the corresponding interrupt status bit from causing the interrupt output to be set.
The status bit is not affected. Default = 0.
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