28F001BX-T 28F001BX-B
The use of RP during system reset is important
with automated write erase devices When the sys-
tem comes out of reset it expects to read from the
flash memory Automated flash memories provide
status information when accessed during write
erase modes If a CPU reset occurs with no flash
memory reset proper CPU initialization would not
occur because the flash memory would be providing
the status information instead of array data Intel’s
Flash Memories allow proper CPU initialization fol-
lowing a system reset through the use of the RP
input In this application RP is controlled by the
same RESET signal that resets the system CPU
Intelligent Identifier Operation
The Intelligent Identifier operation outputs the manu-
facturer code 89H and the device code 94H for the
28F001BX-T and 95H for the 28F001BX-B Pro-
gramming equipment or the system CPU can then
automatically match the device with its proper erase
and programming algorithms
CE and OE at a logic low level (VIL) with A9 at
high voltage VID (see DC Characteristics) activates
this operation Data read from locations 00000H and
00001H represent the manufacturer’s code and the
device code respectively
The manufacturer- and device-codes can also be
read via the Command Register Following a write of
90H to the Command Register a read from address
location 00000H outputs the manufacturer code
(89H) A read from address 00001H outputs the de-
vice code (94H for the 28F001BX-T and 95H for the
28F001BX-B) It is not necessary to have high volt-
age applied to VPP to read the Intelligent Identifiers
from the Command Register
Writes to the Command Register allow read of de-
vice data and Intelligent Identifiers They also con-
trol inspection and clearing of the Status Register
Additionally when VPP e VPPH the Command Reg-
ister controls device erasure and programming The
contents of the register serve as input to the internal
state machine
The Command Register itself does not occupy an
addressable memory location The register is a latch
used to store the command and address and data
information needed to execute the command Erase
Setup and Erase Confirm commands require both
appropriate command data and an address within
the block to be erased The Program Setup Com-
mand requires both appropriate command data and
the address of the location to be programmed while
the Program command consists of the data to be
written and the address of the location to be pro-
The Command Register is written by bringing WE
to a logic-low level (VIL) while CE is low Address-
es and data are latched on the rising edge of WE
Standard microprocessor write timings are used
Refer to AC Write Characteristics and the AC Wave-
form for Write Operations Figure 13 for specific tim-
ing parameters
When VPPL is applied to the VPP pin read opera-
tions from the Status Register intelligent identifiers
or array blocks are enabled Placing VPPH on VPP
enables successful program and erase operations
as well
Device operations are selected by writing specific
commands into the Command Register Table 3 de-
fines these 28F001BX commands
Read Array Command
Upon initial device powerup and after exit from
deep-powerdown mode the 28F001BX defaults to
Read Array mode This operation is also initiated by
writing FFH into the Command Register Microproc-
essor read cycles retrieve array data The device re-
mains enabled for reads until the Command Regis-
ter contents are altered Once the internal write
state machine has started an erase or program op-
eration the device will not recognize the Read Array
command until the WSM has completed its opera-
tion The Read Array command is functional when
Intelligent Identifier Command for
In-System Programming
The 28F001BX contains an Intelligent Identifier op-
eration to supplement traditional PROM-program-
ming methodology The operation is initiated by writ-
ing 90H into the Command Register Following the
command write a read cycle from address 00000H
retrieves the manufacturer code of 89H A read cy-
cle from address 00001H returns the device code of
94H (28F001BX-T) or 95H (28F001BX-B) To termi-
nate the operation it is necessary to write another
valid command into the register Like the Read Array
command the Intelligent Identifier command is func-
tional when VPP e VPPL or VPPH