are enabled. Writing to these registers also starts the main PWM
timer. If during initialization, the PWMTM Register is written
before the PWMCHA, PWMCHB, and PWMCHC Registers,
the first PWMSYNC pulse (and interrupt if enabled) will be gener-
ated (1.5 × tCK × PWMTM) seconds after the initial write to the
PWMTM Register in Single Update Mode. In Double Update Mode,
the first PWMSYNC pulse will be generated (tCK × PWMTM)
seconds after the initial write to the PWMTM Register in Single
Update Mode.
Effective PWM Resolution
In Single Update Mode, the same values of PWMCHA, PWMCHB,
and PWMCHC are used to define the on-times in both half
cycles of the PWM period. As a result, the effective resolution of
the PWM generation process is 2 tCK (or 100 ns for a 20 MHz
CLKOUT) since incrementing one of the duty cycle registers by
one changes the resultant on-time of the associated PWM signals
by tCK in each half period (or 2 tCK for the full period).
In Double Update Mode, improved resolution is possible since
different values of the duty cycle registers are used to define the
on-times in both the first and second halves of the PWM period.
As a result, it is possible to adjust the on-time over the whole
period in increments of tCK. This corresponds to an effective
PWM resolution of tCK in Double Update Mode (or 50 ns for a
The achievable PWM switching frequency at a given PWM
resolution is tabulated in Table IV.
Table IV. Achievable PWM Resolution in Single and Double
Update Modes
Resolution Single Update Mode Double Update Mode
PWM Frequency (kHz) PWM Frequency (kHz)
Minimum Pulsewidth: PWMPD Register
In many power converter switching applications, it is desirable
to eliminate PWM switching pulses shorter than a certain width.
It takes a finite time to both turn on and turn off modern
power semiconductor devices. Therefore, if the width of any of the
PWM pulses is shorter than some minimum value, it may
be desirable to completely eliminate the PWM switching for
that particular cycle.
The allowable minimum on-time for any of the six PWM outputs
for half a PWM period that can be produced by the PWM control-
ler may be programmed using the PWMPD register. The minimum
on-time is programmed in increments of tCK so that the minimum
on-time produced for any half PWM period, TMIN, is related to
the value in the PWMPD Register by:
A PWMPD value of 0x002 defines a permissible minimum
on-time of 100 ns for a 20 MHz CLKOUT.
In each half cycle of the PWM, the timing unit checks the on-
time of each of the six PWM signals. If any of the times is found
to be less than the value specified by the PWMPD Register, the
corresponding PWM signal is turned OFF for the entire half
period, and its complementary signal is turned completely ON.
Consider the example where PWMTM = 200, PWMCHA = 5,
PWMDT = 3, and PWMPD = 10 with a CLKOUT of 20 MHz,
while operating in single update mode. For this case, the PWM
switching frequency is 50 kHz and the dead time is 300 ns. The
minimum permissible on-time of any PWM signal over one-half
of any period is 500 ns. Clearly, for this example, the dead-time
adjusted on-time of the AH signal for one-half a PWM period is
(5–3) × 50 ns = 100 ns. Because this is less than the minimum
permissible value, output AH of the timing unit will remain
OFF (0% duty cycle). Additionally, the AL signal will be turned
ON for the entire half period (100% duty cycle).
Output Control Unit: PWMSEG Register
The operation of the output control unit is managed by the 9-bit
read/write PWMSEG Register. This register sets two distinct
features of the output control unit that are directly useful in the
control of ECM or BDCM.
The PWMSEG Register contains three crossover bits, one for each
pair of PWM outputs. Setting Bit 8 of the PWMSEG Register
enables the Crossover Mode for the AH/AL pair of PWM signals;
setting Bit 7 enables crossover on the BH/BL pair of PWM
signals; and setting Bit 6 enables crossover on the CH/CL pair
of PWM signals. If Crossover Mode is enabled for any pair of
PWM signals, the high side PWM signal from the timing unit
(for example AH) is diverted to the associated low side output
of the output control unit so that the signal will ultimately
appear at the AL pin. Of course, the corresponding low side
output of the timing unit is also diverted to the complementary
high side output of the output control unit so that the signal
appears at Pin AH. Following a reset, the three crossover bits
are cleared so that the Crossover Mode is disabled on all
three pairs of PWM signals.
The PWMSEG Register also contains six bits (Bits 0 to 5) that
can be used to individually enable or disable each of the six
PWM outputs. If the associated bit of the PWMSEG Register is
set, the corresponding PWM output is disabled regardless of the
value of the corresponding duty cycle register. This PWM output
signal will remain in the OFF state as long as the corresponding
enable/disable bit of the PWMSEG Register is set. The PWM
output enable function gates the crossover function. After a reset,
all six enable bits of the PWMSEG Register are cleared, thereby
enabling all PWM outputs by default.
In a manner identical to the duty cycle registers, the PWMSEG
is latched on the rising edge of the PWMSYNC signal so that
changes to this register only become effective at the start of each
PWM cycle in Single Update Mode. In Double Update Mode,
the PWMSEG Register can also be updated at the midpoint of
the PWM cycle.
In the control of an ECM, only two inverter legs are switched
at any time, and often the high side device in one leg must be
switched ON at the same time as the low side driver in a second
leg. Therefore, by programming identical duty cycles for two
PWM channels (for example, let PWMCHA = PWMCHB) and
setting Bit 7 of the PWMSEG Register to crossover the BH/BL
pair of PWM signals, it is possible to turn ON the high side
switch of Phase A and the low side switch of Phase B at the