The WRITE instruction is followed by 16 bits of data to be written into the specified address. After
the 32nd rising edge of SK to read the DI pin in, the AK9822/24 will be put into the automatic write
time-out period.
The DO pin indicates the Ready/Busy status of the EEPROM in the AK9822/24. After the 32nd
rising edge of SK to read the Di pin in, the AK9822/24 will be put into the automatic write time-out
period. When the automatic write time-out period starts, the DO pin outputs the Ready/Busy status.
When the DO pin outputs the low level, the AK9822/24 is in the automatic write time-out and the
next instruction can not be accepted. When the DO pin outputs the high level, the automatic write
time-out period has ended and the AK9822/24 is ready for a next instruction.
When the CS pin is changed to high level after confirmation of Ready/Busy signal on the DO pin, the
DO pin becomes "Hi-Z". The Ready/Busy signal outputs until the CS pin is changed to high level, or
the initial 1 bit ("1") of the next instruction is given to the part.
WRITE (AK9824)