Application Information
Component Selection Guidelines
Output Capacitor Selection
The selection of COUT is determined by the required
effective series resistance (ESR) and voltage rating
rather than the actual capacitance requirement. There-
fore select high performance low ESR capacitors that
are intended for switching regulator applications. In
some applications, multiple capacitors have to be
paralled to achieve the desired ESR value. If tantalum
capacitors are used, make sure they are surge tested
by the manufactures. If in doubt, consult the capaci-
tors manufacturer.
Input Capacitor Selection
The input capacitor is chosen based on the voltage
rating and the RMS current rating. For reliable
operation, select the capacitor voltage rating to be at
least 1.3 times higher than the maximum input voltage.
The maximum RMS current rating requirement is ap-
proximately IOUT/2 , where IOUT is the load current.
During power up, the input capacitors have to handle
large amount of surge current. If tantalum capacitors
are used, make sure they are surge tested by the
manufactures. If in doubt, consult the capacitors
For high frequency decoupling, a ceramic capacitor
between 0.1uF to 1uF can be connected between VCC
and ground pin.
Inductor Selection
The inductance of the inductor is determined by the
output voltage requirement. The larger the inductance,
the lower the inductor’s current ripple. This will trans-
late into lower output ripple voltage. The ripple current
and ripple voltage can be approximated by:
where Fs is the switching frequency of the regulator.
There is a tradeoff exists between the inductor’s ripple
current and the regulator load transient response time
A smaller inductor will give the regulator a faster load
transient response at the expense of higher ripple cur-
rent and vice versa. The maximum ripple current oc-
curs at the maximum input voltage. A good starting
point is to choose the ripple current to be approxi-
mately 30% of the maximum output current.
Once the inductance value has been chosen, select
an inductor that is capable of carrying the required
peak current without going into saturation. In some
type of inductors, especially core that is make of
ferrite, the ripple current will increase abruptly when it
saturates. This will result in a larger output ripple
The output LC filter introduces a double pole, which
contributes with –40dB/decade gain slope and 180
degrees phase shift in the control loop. A compensa-
tion network between COMP pin and ground should
be added. The simplest loop compensation network
is shown in Fig. 4.
The output LC filter consists of the output inductor
and output capacitors. The transfer function of the LC
filter is given by:
1+ s × ESR × COUT
s2 × L × COUT + s × ESR + 1
Fs x L
Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.3 - Mar., 2005