0 for writing the DS1844. Once the command/control byte has been issued and the master receives the
acknowledgment from the DS1844, potentiometer wiper data is transmitted to the DS1844 by the master
As in the case of the 5-wire serial protocol, a data byte for the DS1844 will contain potentiometer select
data and wiper position value. The six least significant bits of data specify the wiper position value while
the two most significant bits specify the potentiometer to be loaded. When the DS1844 has received the
data byte, it will respond with an ACKNOWLEDGE. At this point, the new wiper value for the
potentiometer selected will be updated in the DS1844. The master device, after the receipt of the
ACKNOWLEDGE, can continue to transmit additional data bytes or if the transaction is complete
respond with the STOP condition. Additionally, the DS1844 does not require a specific order for writing
a particular potentiometer wiper's data. The 2-wire serial timing diagram is presented in Figure 8.
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