Automatic Sleep Mode
The automatic sleep mode minimizes Flash device energy consumption. The device automatically
enables this mode when addresses remain stable for tacc + 30ns. The automatic sleep mode is
independent of the CE#, WE# and OE# control signals. Standard address access timings provide
new data when addresses are changed. While in sleep mode, output is latched and always
available to the system. ICC4 in the DC Characteristics table represents the automatic sleep more
current specification.
Hardware Data Protection
The command sequence requirement of unlock cycles for programming or erasing provides data
protection against inadvertent writes as seen in the Command Definitions table. Additionally, the
following hardware data protection measures prevent accidental erasure or programming, which
might otherwise be caused by false system level signals during Vcc power up and power down
transitions, or from system noise.
Low VCC Write Inhibit
When Vcc is less than VLKO, the device does not accept any write cycles. This protects data during
Vcc power up and power down. The command register and all internal program/erase circuits are
disabled, and the device resets. Subsequent writes are ignored until Vcc is greater than VLKO. The
system must provide the proper signals to the control pins to prevent unintentional writes when Vcc
is greater than VLKO.
Write Pulse “Glitch” protection
Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE# or WE# do not initiate a write cycle.
Logical Inhibit
Write cycles are inhibited by holding any one of OE# = VIL, CE# = VIH, or WE# = VIH. To initiate a
write cycle, CE# and WE# must be a logical zero while OE# is a logical one. If CE#, WE#, and OE#
are all logical zero (not recommended usage), it will be considered a read.
Power-up Write Inhibit
During power-up, the device automatically resets to READ mode and locks out write cycles. Even
with CE# = VIL, WE# = VIL and OE# = VIH, the device will not accept commands on the rising edge of
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions 10 ©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc., www.essi.com.tw
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.
Rev. C, Issue Date: 2005/01/10