General Description
The FM1233E features a highly accurate voltage reference to
which VCC is compared. Once VCC is below the specified
threshold, it will drive the RESET line and continue to hold it low
until VCC returns above the threshold and the time for the
RESET pulse duration has expired. The FM1233E is immune to
short negative going transients on the VCC line. The placement
of a 0.1µF bypass capacitor as close as possible to the VCC pin
provides additional transient immunity.
For a VCC value below 1.0V, the FM1233E does not sink very
much current on the RESET pin. This is not a problem in most
systems since common devices are not functional in this range.
If it is desired for the FM1233E reset to be functional below this
range, use a 100KΩ pull-down resistor between RESET and
FM1233E Rev. D