Dual J-K Flip-Flops (with Preset, Common Clear and Common
This flip-flop is edge sensitive to the clock input and change state on the negative transition of the clock
pulse. Each flip-flop has independent J, K, and preset inputs and Q and Q outputs. Two flip-flops are
controlled by a common clear and a common clock. Preset and clear are independent of the clock and
accomplished by a low logic level on the corresponding input.
• High Speed Operation: tpd (Clock to Q) = 20 ns typ (CL = 50 pF)
• High Output Current: Fanout of 10 LSTTL Loads
• Wide Operating Voltage: VCC = 2 to 6 V
• Low Input Current: 1 µA max
• Low Quiescent Supply Current: ICC (static) = 2 µA max (Ta = 25°C)