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HT48CA0-3 查看數據表(PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor

产品描述 (功能)
Holtek Semiconductor 
HT48CA0-3 Datasheet PDF : 34 Pages
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Power Down Operation - HALT
The Power-down mode is initialised by the HALT in-
struction and results in the following:
· The system oscillator turns off and the WDT stops.
· The contents of the on-chip Data Memory and regis-
ters remain unchanged.
· WDT prescaler is cleared.
· All I/O ports maintain their original status.
· The PDF flag is set and the TO flag is cleared.
The system can quit the HALT mode by means of an ex-
ternal falling edge signal on port B. By examining the TO
and PDF flags, the reason for chip reset can be deter-
mined. The PDF flag is cleared when the system powers
up or when a CLR WDT instruction is executed and is set
when the HALT instruction is executed. The TO flag is set
if the WDT time-out occurs during normal operation.
The port B wake-up can be considered as a continuation
of normal execution. Each bit in port B can be independ-
ently selected to wake up the device by the code option.
Awakening from an I/O port stimulus, the program will
resume execution of the next instruction.
Once a wake-up event(s) occurs, it takes 1024 tSYS
(system clock periods) to resume normal operation. In
other words, a dummy cycle period will be inserted after
the wake-up.
To minimize power consumption, all I/O pins should be
carefully managed before entering the HALT status.
There are three ways in which a reset can occur:
· Power On reset
· Low Voltage reset
· WDT time-out reset during normal operation
P o w e r-o n R e s e t
S S T T im e - o u t
In te rn a l R e s e t
tR S T D
Reset Timing Chart
Some registers remain unchanged during reset condi-
tions. Most registers are reset to the ²initial condition²
when the reset conditions are met. By examining the
PDF and TO flags, the program can distinguish between
different chip resets.
RESET Conditions
0 0 Power-on reset during power-up
u u LVR reset during normal operation
1 u WDT time-out during normal operation
Note: ²u² means unchanged.
To guarantee that the system oscillator has started and
stabilized, the SST (System Start-up Timer) provides an
extra-delay of 1024 system clock pulses when the sys-
tem powers up or when the system awakes from a HALT
When a system power up occurs, an SST delay is added
during the reset period. Any wake-up from HALT will en-
able the SST delay.
The functional unit chip reset status is shown below.
Program Counter
WDT Prescaler
Input/Output ports
Stack Pointer
Carrier output
Input mode
Points to the top of the stack
Low level
1 0 -s ta g e
R ip p le C o u n te r
P o w e r - o n D e te c tio n
Reset Configuration
C o ld R e s e t
October 12, 2007

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