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ICS2008BY-10 查看數據表(PDF) - Integrated Circuit Systems

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Integrated Circuit Systems 
ICS2008BY-10 Datasheet PDF : 21 Pages
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The ICS2008B is a SMPTE time code input/output device
with a UART which can be used as a MIDI UART or transport
control UART. All of the time critical functions to read and gen-
erate time code are performed by the chip’s hardware, but all of
the intelligence for processing time codes and generating the
time code values are performed via an external processor. This
makes the ICS2008B flexible enough for a broad range of ap-
plications without making the processing requirements on the
host system too great.
Indirect Register Access
Indirect registers are accessed via the SMPTE2 (address) and
SMPTE3 (data) registers. To read an indirect register, the pro-
gram must first write its address to SMPTE2. Then the data is
read from SMPTE3. Writing to an indirect register is similar.
First, the address is written to SMPTE2. Then the data is writ-
ten to SMPTE3.
In order to minimize the number of accesses required to read
or write a block of registers, an auto-increment function is
provided. If the MSB of SMPTE2 is written to a one with the
address, the address is incremented after each read or write
access to SMPTE3. For example, if one wants to read the LTC
Read registers, IR0 to IR7, SMPTE2 is written to a 80h. Then
read SMPTE3 eight times. The first byte read is from IR0 fol-
lowed by IR1, etc.
Interrupt Processing
Interrupts can be generated from five sources, LTC receiver,
LTC generator, video line count, timer and UART. The inter-
rupt status of the first four interrupts, LRI, LXI, VLI and TMI
are in the SMPTE0 register. After this register is read, all four
interrupts are cleared. It is, therefore, necessary to save the
state of the interrupt status and process all active interrupts.
The UART interrupt status is in the UART0 register. The re-
ceive interrupt is cleared by reading the receive data register,
UART1. The transmit interrupt is cleared by writing data to
the transmit data register, UART1.
Reading LTC
When LTC data is received, it is placed into a temporary
buffer and transferred into the LTC read register (IR0 to IR7)
when the last bit of LTC data has been received. It should be
noted that the data is transferred before the SYNC pattern has
been received. Once the data is in the LTC receive buffer, the
LRI bit is set to one in the SMPTE0 register. If the LRIEN bit
(SMPTE0) is set to a one, an interrupt will be generated. The
interrupt is cleared when the SMPTE0 register is read. The
data in the LTC receive buffer remains valid until the next
LTC frame has been completely received.
LTC input data is available in the LTC Read registers after the
last LTC data bit has been received. It is not necessary to wait
for the LTC SYNC pattern to be complete. When LTC read
data is available the LRI bit in SMPTE0 is set to one. If
LRIEN is also set to one, an interrupt is generated. LRI and
the interrupt are cleared by reading SMPTE0. Data will re-
main valid until the last LTC data bit of the next frame has
been received.
The SMPTE1 register contains two status bits which indicate
whether LTC data is being received and if so which direction.
LTCLOCK is set to one when the LTC receiver has received a
valid LTC SYNC pattern and data is still coming in.
CODEDIR indicates the direction of the LTC SYNC pattern.
This is useful to tell whether a tape with LTC is shuttling for-
wards or backwards.
Generating LTC
The LTC generator transfers data from the LTC Write regis-
ters (IR8 to IRF) to the output buffer when the LTC generator
is enabled; LTCEN is set to one. Data transfers for subsequent
LTC frames occur eight bit times before the end of the LTC
frame being output. Remember that a LTC frame ends with a
16 bit SYNC pattern. The LXI interrupt bit in SMPTE0 is set
to one when LTC Write register data is transferred to the out-
put buffer.
A typical program for generating LTC output would first
setup the LTC control registers and the LTC bit time registers.
Then time code data would be written to the LTC Write regis-
ter. Once this setup is done the LTC output would be enabled
by setting LTCEN to a one. LTC output starts when a LTC
SYNC is received. The LTC SYNC source is selected as part
of the setup. While the LTC generator is waiting for SYNC,
the data in the LTC Write register is transferred to the output
buffer. When the transfer is complete the LXI status but is set
to a one. The data for the next LTC output frame can then be
loaded. The LXI status bit will be set to a one after the data
transfer at the end of the first LTC output frame. At this point
the LTC Write register is ready to receive data for a third LTC
output frame.
ICS2008B Rev D 4/05/05

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