Philips Semiconductors
Low-power USB interface device with DMA
SETUP and OUT token interrupts are generated after the ISP1183 has
acknowledged the associated data packet. In the bulk transfer mode, the ISP1183 will
issue interrupts for every ACK received for an OUT token or transmitted for an IN
In the isochronous mode, an interrupt is issued on each packet transaction. The
firmware is responsible for timing synchronization with the host. This can be done
using the Pseudo Start-Of-Frame (PSOF) interrupt, enabled using bit IEPSOF in the
Interrupt Enable register. If a Start-Of-Frame is lost, PSOF interrupts are generated
every 1 ms. This allows the firmware to keep data transfer synchronized with the host.
After three missed SOF events, the ISP1183 will enter the suspend state.
An alternative way of handling the isochronous data transfer is to enable both the
SOF and PSOF interrupts and disable the interrupt for each isochronous endpoint.
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Product data
Rev. 01 — 24 February 2004
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
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