Highly Efficient Single-Chip 10/100 Non-PCI Ethernet Controller
The host bus interface is the primary bus for connection to the embedded host system. This interface
models an asynchronous SRAM. TX FIFO, RX FIFO, and CSR’s are accessed through this interface.
Programmed I/O transactions are supported.
The LAN9115 host bus interface supports 16-bit bus transfers; internally, all data paths are 32-bits
wide. The LAN9115 can be interfaced to either Big-Endian or Little-Endian processors.
The host bus data Interface is responsible for host address decoding and data bus steering. The host
bus interface handles the 16 to 32-bit conversion. Additionally, when Big Endian mode is selected, the
data path to the internal controller registers will be reorganized accordingly.
External MII Interface
The LAN9115 also supports the ability to interface to an external PHY device. This interface is
compatible with all IEEE 802.3 MII compliant physical layer devices. For additional information on the
MII interface and associated signals, please refer to Section 3.12, "MII Interface - External MII
Switching," on page 43 for more information.
Revision 1.1 (05-17-05)