LL2012-F Series
Q vs. Frequency
Inductance vs. Frequency
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Toko America, Inc.
1250 Feehanville Drive, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Tel: (847) 297-0070 Fax: (847) 699-7864 Web: http://www.tokoam.com
Midwest Regional Office
Toko America, Inc.
1250 Feehanville Drive
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Tel: (847) 297-0070
Fax: (847) 699-7864
Western Regional Office
Toko America, Inc.
2480 North First Street , Suite 260
San Jose, CA 95131
Tel: (408) 432-8281
Fax: (408) 943-9790
Eastern Regional Office
Toko America, Inc.
107 Mill Plain Road
Danbury, CT 06811
Tel: (203)748-6871
Fax: (203)797-1223
September 1998 TOKO, Inc.