Advance Information- These data sheets contain descriptions of products that are in development. The specifications are based on the engineering calculations, computer simulations and/
or initial prototype evaluation.
Preliminary Information- These data sheets contain minimum and maximum specifications that are based on the initial device characterizations. These limits are subject to change upon the
completion of the full characterization over the specified temperature and supply voltage ranges.
The application circuit examples are only to explain the representative applications of the devices and are not intended to guarantee any circuit design or permit any
industrial property right to other rights to execute. Bay Linear takes no responsibility for any problems related to any industrial property right resulting from the use of
the contents shown in the data book. Typical parameters can and do vary in different applications. Customer’s technical experts must validate all operating parameters
including “ Typical” for each customer application.
Bay Linear products are not authorized for and should not be used within life support systems which are intended for surgical implants into the body
to support or sustain life, in aircraft, space equipment, submarine, or nuclear facility applications without the specific written consent of Bay Linear
Bay Linear, Inc 2478 Armstrong Street, Livermore, CA 94550 Tel: (925) 989-7144, Fax: (925) 940-9556