In any supervisory application, supply noise riding on
the monitored DC voltage can cause spurious resets,
particularly when the monitored voltage is near the reset
threshold. A less desirable but common solution to this
problem is to introduce hysteresis around the nominal
threshold. Notice however, this hysteresis introduces an
error term in the threshold accuracy. Therefore, a ±2.5%
accurate monitor with ±1.0% hysteresis is equivalent to
a ±3.5% monitor with no hysteresis.
The LTC2904/LTC2905 takes a different approach to solve
this problem of supply noise causing spurious reset. The
first line of defense against this spurious reset is a first
order low pass filter at the output of the comparator. Thus,
the comparator output goes through a form of integration
before triggering the output logic. Therefore, any kind of
transient at the input of the comparator needs to be of
sufficient magnitude and duration before it can trigger a
change in the output logic.
The second line of defense is the programmed delay time
tRST (200ms for LTC2904 and using an external capacitor
for LTC2905). This delay will eliminate the effect of any
supply noise whose frequency is above 1/tRST on the RST
and RST output.
When either V1 or V2 drops below its programmed thresh-
old, the RST pin asserts low (RST weakly pulls high). Then
when the supply recovers above the programmed thresh-
old, the reset-pulse-generator timer starts counting.
If the supply remains above the programmed threshold
when the timer finishes counting, the RST pin weakly
pulls high (RST asserts low). However, if the supply falls
below the programmed threshold any time during the
period when the timer is still counting, the timer resets
and it starts fresh when the supply next rises above the
programmed threshold.
Note that this second line of defense is only effective
for a rising supply and does not affect the sensitivity of
the system to a falling supply. Therefore, the first line of
defense that works for both cases of rising and falling is
necessary. These two approaches prevent spurious reset
caused by supply noise without sacrificing the threshold
Selecting the Reset Timing Capacitor
The reset timeout period for LTC2905 is adjustable in order
to accommodate a variety of microprocessor applications.
Connecting a capacitor, CTMR, between the TMR pin and
ground sets the reset timeout period, tRST. The following
formula determines the value of capacitor needed for a
particular reset timeout period:
CTMR = tRST • 110 • 10–9 [F/s]
For example, using a standard capacitor value of 22nF
would give a 22000/110 = 200ms delay.
Figure 1 shows the desired delay time as a function of the
value of the timer capacitor that should be used:
Leaving the TMR pin open with no external capacitor gen-
erates a reset timeout of approximately 200μs. For long
reset timeout, the only limitation is the availability of large
value capacitor with low leakage. The TMR capacitor will
never charge if the leakage current exceeds the minimum
TMR charging current of 2.1μA (typical).
100p 1n 10n
100n 1μ
29045 F01
Figure 1. Reset Timeout Period vs Capacitance