SABER Electrical Model
REV June
template huf76105 n2,n1,n3
electrical n2,n1,n3
var i iscl
d..model dbodymod = (is = 3.01e-13, cjo = 5.74e-10, tt = 2.88e-8, xti = 4.5, m = 0.43)
d..model dbreakmod = ()
d..model dplcapmod = (cjo = 2.55e-10, is = 1e-30, n = 10, m = 0.6)
m..model mmedmod = (type=_n, vto = 1.92, kp = 2.1, is = 1e-30, tox = 1)
m..model mstrongmod = (type=_n, vto = 2.26, kp = 19, is = 1e-30, tox = 1)
m..model mweakmod = (type=_n, vto = 1.7, kp = 0.1, is = 1e-30, tox = 1)
sw_vcsp..model s1amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -6.2, voff = -2)
sw_vcsp..model s1bmod = (ron =1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -2, voff = -6.2)
sw_vcsp..model s2amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -0.5, voff = 0.5)
sw_vcsp..model s2bmod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = 0.5, voff = -0.5) n12 n8 = 4.95e-10
c.cb n15 n14 = 5.15e-10
c.cin n6 n8 = 2.9e-10
d.dbody n7 n71 = model=dbodymod
d.dbreak n72 n11 = model=dbreakmod
d.dplcap n10 n5 = model=dplcapmod n8 n17 = 1
l.ldrain n2 n5 = 1e-9
l.lgate n1 n9 = 9.2e-10
l.lsource n3 n7 = 3.2e-10
m.mmed n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mmedmod, l=1u, w=1u
m.mstrong n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mstrongmod, l=1u, w=1u
m.mweak n16 n21 n8 n8 = model=mweakmod, l=1u, w=1u
res.rbreak n17 n18 = 1, tc1 = 9.94e-4, tc2 = 9.84e-8
res.rdbody n71 n5 = 1.47e-2, tc1 = -1.7e-3, tc2 = 4e-5
res.rdbreak n72 n5 = 3.94e-1, tc1 = 9.94e-4, tc2 = 9.12e-7
res.rdrain n50 n16 = 9e-3, tc1 = 8e-3, tc2 = 5.3e-5
res.rgate n9 n20 = 3.39
res.rldrain n2 n5 = 10
res.rlgate n1 n9 = 9.2
res.rlsource n3 n7 = 3.2
res.rslc1 n5 n51 = 1e-6, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 = 1e-6
res.rslc2 n5 n50 = 1e3
res.rsource n8 n7 = 22e-3, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 = 0
res.rvtemp n18 n19 = 1, tc1 = -1.5e-3, tc2 = 1.7e-6
res.rvthres n22 n8 = 1, tc1 = -1.87e-3, tc2 = -1.2e-6
spe.ebreak n11 n7 n17 n18 = 33.87
spe.eds n14 n8 n5 n8 = 1
spe.egs n13 n8 n6 n8 = 1
spe.esg n6 n10 n6 n8 = 1
spe.evtemp n20 n6 n18 n22 = 1
spe.evthres n6 n21 n19 n8 = 1
sw_vcsp.s1a n6 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1amod
sw_vcsp.s1b n13 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1bmod
sw_vcsp.s2a n6 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2amod
sw_vcsp.s2b n13 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2bmod
v.vbat n22 n19 = dc=1
equations {
i (n51->n50) +=iscl
iscl: v(n51,n50) = ((v(n5,n51)/(1e-9+abs(v(n5,n51))))*((abs(v(n5,n51)*1e6/42))** 6))
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