M95160, M95080
When the power supply is turned on, VCC rises
from VSS to VCC.
During this time, the Chip Select (S) must be al-
lowed to follow the VCC voltage. It must not be al-
lowed to float, but should be connected to VCC via
a suitable pull-up resistor.
As a built in safety feature, Chip Select (S) is edge
sensitive as well as level sensitive. After Power-
up, the device does not become selected until a
falling edge has first been detected on Chip Select
(S). This ensures that Chip Select (S) must have
been High, prior to going Low to start the first op-
Power On Reset: VCC Lock-Out Write Protect
In order to prevent data corruption and inadvertent
Write instructions during Power-up, a Power On
Reset (POR) circuit is included. The internal reset
is held active until VCC has reached the Power On
Reset (POR) threshold voltage, and all operations
are disabled – the device will not respond to any
instruction. In the same way, when VCC drops from
the operating voltage, below the Power On Reset
(POR) threshold voltage, all operations are dis-
abled and the device will not respond to any in-
A stable and valid VCC must be applied before ap-
plying any logic signal.
At Power-down, the device must be deselected.
Chip Select (S) should be allowed to follow the
voltage applied on VCC.
Active Power and Standby Power Modes
When Chip Select (S) is Low, the device is select-
ed, and in the Active Power mode. The device
consumes ICC, as specified in Table 14. to Table
When Chip Select (S) is High, the device is dese-
lected. If an Erase/Write cycle is not currently in
progress, the device then goes in to the Standby
Power mode, and the device consumption drops
to ICC1.
Hold Condition
The Hold (HOLD) signal is used to pause any se-
rial communications with the device without reset-
ting the clocking sequence.
During the Hold condition, the Serial Data Output
(Q) is high impedance, and Serial Data Input (D)
and Serial Clock (C) are Don’t Care.
To enter the Hold condition, the device must be
selected, with Chip Select (S) Low.
Normally, the device is kept selected, for the whole
duration of the Hold condition. Deselecting the de-
vice while it is in the Hold condition, has the effect
of resetting the state of the device, and this mech-
anism can be used if it is required to reset any pro-
cesses that had been in progress.
The Hold condition starts when the Hold (HOLD)
signal is driven Low at the same time as Serial
Clock (C) already being Low.
The Hold condition ends when the Hold (HOLD)
signal is driven High at the same time as Serial
Clock (C) already being Low.