• Full-screen mode
Screen capacity:
32 characters × 16 lines (up to 512 characters)
256 horizontal dots × 512 vertical dots
(The actual display screen depends on the television
system and dot clock frequency.)
Virtual screen capacity: Mode A: 32 characters × 16 lines (× 32 screens)
256 horizontal dots × 512 vertical dots
Mode B: 512 characters × 32 lines
4096 horizontal dots × 1024 vertical dots
• Normal character display: Character dot configuration: 24 horizontal dots × 32 vertical dots
Character color:
8 colors (set for the entire screen)
Pattern background color: 8 colors (set for the entire screen)
• Graphic character display:Character dot configuration: 8 horizontal dots × 32 vertical dots
Character color:
8 colors (for each dot) × 4 phases (set for the entire
Screen Background Display
Screen background color: 8 colors (set for the entire screen)
Analog Inputs
• Composite video signal input
• Y/C-separated inputs
Analog Outputs
• Composite video signal output
• Y/C-separated outputs
Digital Outputs
• G (Green), R (Red), and B (Blue) output
• VOC (character) output, VOB (character + background) output
• Characters, character background, line background, and screen background each capable of being displayed
in eight colors
Internal Synchronization Control (Video Signal Generator)
• Internal video signal generator supporting the NTSC and PAL systems
• Interlaced/noninterlaced display selectable
External Synchronization Control
• Separated sync signal input/composite sync signal input selectable
External Interface
• 8-bit serial inputs (3 signal input pins)
Chip select: CS
Serial clock: SCLK
Serial data: SIN
• QFP-80
• Internal power-on reset circuit