Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
A codec–filter is a device which is used for digitizing and
reconstructing the human voice. These devices were devel-
oped primarily for the telephone network to facilitate voice
switching and transmission. Once the voice is digitized, it
may be switched by digital switching methods or transmitted
long distance (T1, microwave, satellites, etc.) without degra-
dation. The name codec is an acronym from “coder” for the
A/D used to digitize voice, and “decoder” for the D/A used for
reconstructing voice. A codec is a single device that does
both the A/D and D/A conversions.
To digitize intelligible voice requires a signal to distortion of
about 30 dB for a dynamic range of about 40 dB. This may be
accomplished with a linear 13–bit A/D and D/A, but will far ex-
ceed the required signal to distortion at amplitudes greater
than 40 dB below the peak amplitude. This excess perform-
ance is at the expense of data per sample. Two methods of
data reduction are implemented by compressing the 13–bit
linear scheme to companded 8–bit schemes. These com-
panding schemes follow a segmented or “piecewise–linear”
curve formatted as a sign bit, 3 chord bits, and 4 step bits. For
a given chord, all 16 of the steps have the same voltage
weighting. As the voltage of the analog input increases, the 4
step bits increment and carry to the 3 chord bits which incre-
ment. With the chord bits incremented, the step bits double
their voltage weighting. This results in an effective resolution
of 6 bits (sign + chord + 4 step bits) across a 42 dB dynamic
range (7 chords above 0, by 6 dB per chord). There are two
companding schemes used; Mu–255 Law specifically in
North America, and A–Law specifically in Europe. These
companding schemes are accepted world wide. The tables
show the linear quantization levels to PCM words for the two
companding schemes.
In a sampling environment, Nyquist theory says that to
properly sample a continuous signal, it must be sampled at a
frequency higher than twice the signal’s highest frequency
component. Voice contains spectral energy above 3 kHz, but
its absence is not detrimental to intelligibility. To reduce the
digital data rate, which is proportional to the sampling rate, a
sample rate of 8 kHz was adopted, consistent with a band-
width of 3 kHz. This sampling requires a low–pass filter to
limit the high frequency energy above 3 kHz from distorting
the inband signal. The telephone line is also subject to
50/60 Hz power line coupling which must be attenuated from
the signal by a high–pass filter before the A/D converter.
The D/A process reconstructs a staircase version of the
desired inband signal which has spectral images of the in-
band signal modulated about the sample frequency and its
harmonics. These spectral images are called aliasing compo-
nents which need to be attenuated to obtain the desired sig-
nal. The low–pass filter used to attenuate these aliasing
components is typically called a reconstruction or smoothing
The MC145500 series PCM codec–filters have the codec,
both presampling and reconstruction filters, a precision volt-
age reference on chip, and require no external components.
There are three distinct versions of the Motorola MC145500
series with HCMOS compatible outputs.
The MC145506 PCM codec–filter is the full–featured
22–pin device. It is intended for use in applications requiring
maximum flexibility. The MC145506 contains all the features
of the MC145507 and MC145508. The MC145506 is in-
tended for bit interleaved or byte interleaved applications with
data clock frequencies which are nonstandard or time vary-
ing. One of the five standard frequencies (listed below) is ap-
plied to the CCI input, and the data clock inputs can be any
frequency between 64 kHz and 4.096 MHz. The Vref pin
allows for use of an external shared reference or selection of
the internal reference. The RxG pin accommodates gain ad-
justments for the inverted analog output. All three pins of the
input gainsetting operational amplifier are present which pro-
vide maximum flexibility for the analog interface.
The MC145507 PCM mono–circuit is intended for standard
byte interleaved synchronous or asynchronous applications.
TDC can be one of five discrete frequencies. These are
128 kHz (40% to 60% duty cycle), 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHz,
2.048 MHz, or 2.56 MHz. (For other data clock frequencies,
see MC145506 or MC145508.) The internal reference is set
for 3.15 V peak full scale, and the full scale input level at TxI
and output level at RxO is 6.3 Vp–p. This is the 3 dBm0 level
of the PCM codec–filter. The +Tx and –Tx inputs provide
maximum flexibility for analog interface. All other functions
are described in the pin description.
The MC145508 PCM mono–circuit is intended for byte in-
terleaved synchronous applications. The MC145508 has all
the features of the MC145507 but internally connects TDC
and RDC (see pin description) to the DC pin. One of the five
standard frequencies (listed above) should be applied to CCI.
The data clock input (DC) can be any frequency between
64 kHz and 4.069 MHz.
Logic Level Select Input and HCMOS Digital Ground
VLS controls the logic levels and digital ground reference
for all digital inputs and the digital output. These devices can
operate with logic levels from full supply (VSS to VDD) or
with TTL logic levels using VLS as digital ground. For VLS =
VDD, all I/O is full supply (VSS to VDD swing) with CMOS
switch points. For VSS < VLS < (VDD – 4 V), all inputs are
TTL compatible with VLS being the digital ground while TDD
outputs HCMOS levels from VLS to VDD. The pins controlled
by VLS are inputs MSI, CCI, TDE, TDC, RCE, RDC, RDD,
PDI, and output TDD.
Master Synchronization Input
MSI is used for determining the sample rate of the transmit
side and as a time base for selecting the internal prescale
divider for the convert clock input (CCI) pin. The MSI pin
should be tied to an 8 kHz clock which may be a frame sync
or system sync signal. MSI has no relation to transmit or
receive data timing, except for determining the internal trans-
mit strobe as described under the TDE pin description. MSI
should be derived from the transmit timing in asynchronous
applications. In many applications, MSI can be tied to TDE.
(MSI is tied internally to TDE in the MC145507/08.)
For More Information On This ProducMt,C145506•MC145507•MC145508
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