¡ Semiconductor
7) Vertical color filter (related register CHRC[6:4])
Averaging computation is made for the lines before and after the U, V demodulated signal.
This is likely to make the image appear smooth.
Using a register, it is possible to select the modes of either to carry out or not carry out the
averaging operation based on the correlation between the previous and next lines, or not to
carry out the averaging operation at all. In addition, it is also possible to change the level of
judging the correlation using a register setting.
In this block, chroma signals pass through a bandpass filter to cut out unnecessary band.
To maintain a constant chroma level, these signals then pass through an ACC compensating
circuit and are UV demodulated. (The filter can be bypassed.)
If the demodulated result does not reach a constant level, color killer signals are generated to fix
the ACC gain. This functions as an auto color killer control circuit.
The UV demodulated results pass through a low-pass filter and are output as chrominance
4. Synchronization Block
This block processes the sync signals. Synchronous signals are generated for chip output and for
internal use. Various signals are output from this block and the following operating modes can
be selected.
1) Adjustment of SYNC threshold level (internal sync) (related register STHR[7:0])
SYNC detection level is set.
2) FineadjustmentofHSY(HorizontalSyncClamp)signal(relatedregistersHSYT[7:4],HSYT[3:0],
2-1) Fine adjustment of HSY signal (start side)
2-2) Fine adjustment of HSY signal (stop side)
The HSY signal provides the sync-tip and clamp timing to the A/D converter.
This signal is used for digital clamp, but can not be observed from outside.
3) Fine adjustment of HSYNC_L signal (related register HSDL[7:0])
HSYNC_L signal output position is adjusted.
4) HVALID control (related registers HVALT[7:4], HVALT[3:0])
4-1) Fine adjustment of HVALID signal (start side)
4-2) Fine adjustment of HVALID signal (stop side)
Data signals are transferred at the rising edge of the HVALID signal.
5) VVALID control (related registers VVALT[7:4], VVALT[3:0])
5-1) Fine adjustment of VVALID signal (start side)
5-2) Fine adjustment of VVALID signal (stop side)
6) FIFO and Field Memory mode selection (related register MRB[7:6])
FIFO-1 mode*: Sets and outputs a standard value for the number of pixels per 1H from the
internal FIFO.
This mode is also compatible (to a degree) with non-standard VTR signals.
FIFO-2 mode: Sets and outputs a constant pixel number corresponding to the input H
interval for the number of pixels per 1H from the internal FIFO.