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M48T18-150PC 查看數據表(PDF) - STMicroelectronics

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M48T18-150PC Datasheet PDF : 73 Pages
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M48T08, M48T18
24 hour BCD format. Corrections for 28, 29 (leap
year), 30, and 31 day months are made automat-
ically. Byte 1FF8h is the clock control register. This
byte controls user access to the clock information
and also stores the clock calibration setting.
The eight clock bytes are not the actual clock
counters themselves; they are memory locations
consisting of BiPORTread/write memory cells.
The M48T08,18 includes a clock control circuit
which updates the clock bytes with current informa-
tion once per second. The information can be
accessed by the user in the same manner as any
other location in the static memory array.
The M48T08,18 also has its own Power-fail Detect
circuit. The control circuitry constantly monitors the
single 5V supply for an out of tolerance condition.
When VCC is out of tolerance, the circuit write
protects the SRAM, providing a high degree of data
security in the midst of unpredictable system opera-
tion brought on by low VCC. As VCC falls below
approximately 3V, the control circuitry connects the
battery which maintains data and clock operation
until valid power returns.
The M48T08,18 is in the Read Mode whenever W
(Write Enable) is high, E1 (Chip Enable 1) is low,
and E2 (Chip Enable 2) is high. The device archi-
tecture allows ripple- through access of data from
eight of 65,536 locations in the static storage array.
Thus, the unique address specified by the 13 Ad-
dress Inputs defines which one of the 8,192 bytes
of data is to be accessed. Valid data will be avail-
able at the Data I/O pins within tAVQV (Address
Access Time) after the last address input signal is
stable, providing that the E1, E2, and G access
times are also satisfied. If the E1, E2 and G access
times are not met, valid data will be available after
the latter of the Chip Enable Access Times (tE1LQV
or tE2HQV) or Output Enable Access Time (tGLQV).
The state of the eight three-state Data I/O signals
is controlled by E1, E2 and G. If the outputs are
activated before tAVQV, the data lines will be driven
to an indeterminate state until tAVQV. If the Address
Inputs are changed while E1, E2 and G remain
active, output data will remain valid for tAXQX (Out-
put Data Hold Time) but will go indeterminate until
the next Address Access.
The M48T08,18 is in the Write Mode whenever W,
E1, and E2 are active. The start of a write is refer-
enced from the latter occurring falling edge of W or
E1, or the rising edge of E2. A write is terminated
by the earlier rising edge of W or E1, or the falling
edge of E2. The addresses must be held valid
throughout the cycle. E1 or W must return high or
E2 low for minimum of tE1HAX or tE2LAX from Chip
Enable or tWHAX from Write Enable prior to the
initiation of another read or write cycle. Data-in
must be valid tDVWH prior to the end of write and
remain valid for tWHDX afterward. G should be kept
high during write cycles to avoid bus contention;
although, if the output bus has been activated by a
low on E1 and G and a high on E2, a low on W will
disable the outputs tWLQZ after W falls.
With valid VCC applied, the M48T08,18 operates as
a conventional BYTEWIDE static RAM. Should the
supply voltage decay, the RAM will automatically
power-fail deselect, write protecting itself when VCC
falls within the VPFD(max), VPFD(min) window. All
outputs become high impedance, and all inputs are
treated as ”don’t care.”
Note: A power failure during a write cycle may
corrupt data at the currentlyaddressed location, but
does not jeopardize the rest of the RAM’s content.
At voltages below VPFD(min), the user can be as-
sured the memory will be in a write protected state,
provided the VCC fall time is not less than tF. The
M48T08,18 may respond to transient noise spikes
on VCC that reach into the deselect window during
the time the device is sampling VCC. Therefore,
decoupling of the power supply lines is recom-
When VCC drops below VSO, the control circuit
switches power to the internal battery which pre-
serves data and powers the clock. The internal
button cell will maintain data in the M48T08,18 for
an accumulated period of at least 10 years when
VCC is less than VSO. As system power returns and
VCC rises above VSO, the battery is disconnected,
and the power supply is switched to external VCC.
Write protection continues until VCC reaches
VPFD(min). E1 should be kept high or E2 low as
VCC rises past VPFD(min) to prevent inadvertent
write cycles prior to processor stabilization. Normal
RAM operationcan resume tREC after VCC exceeds
The M48T08,18 continuously monitors VCC. When
VCC falls to the power-fail detect trip point, an
interrupt is immediately generated. An internal
clock provides a delay of between 10µs and 40µs
before automatically deselecting the M48T08,18.
The INT pin is an open drain output and requires
an external pull up resistor, even if the interrupt
output function is not being used.

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