The NIS5102 has a variety of shutdown and protection
features that make this part extremely versatile as well as
rugged. For the unit to operate, the input voltage must be
within the operating range of the part which is set by the
UVLO and OVLO bias resistors. The enable must also be
high for operation. Current and thermal limit circuits
constantly monitor the operation and will protect the unit if
either of these parameters exceeds its preset limit.
An additional shutdown method, is the use of the OVLO
pin, which can be tied in parallel. This allows multiple units
to be either operated in parallel, and will shutdown and turn
on simultaneously for any fault other than an overvoltage, or
it allows these hot plug devices to control independent loads,
and shutdown and turn on simultaneously.
Once the load capacitance is charged, the SENSEFETt
will become fully enhanced as long as the current does not
reach the current limit threshold, or is shutdown due to an
overvoltage, undervoltage or thermal fault. Both the UVLO
and OVLO circuits incorporate hysteresis to assure clean
turn−on and turn−offs with no chatter. The thermal latching
circuit will require the input power to be recycled to resume
operation after a fault. The current limit is always active, so
any transient or overload will always be limited.
Circuit Description
The enable/timer pin can function either as a direct enable
pin, or as a time delay. In the enable mode, an open collector
device is connected to this pin. When the device is in its low
impedance mode, this pin is low and the operation of the chip
is disabled. If a time delay is required, a capacitor is added
to this pin. Figure 17 shows the equivalent circuit for the
80 mA
2.2 V
Figure 17. Enable/Timer Circuit
If a capacitor is added without an open collector device,
the turn on will be delayed from the time at which the UVLO
voltage is reached. If an open collector device is also used,
the delay will start from the time that it goes into its high
impedance state. The capacitor is charged by an internal
current source.
There is an inherent delay in the turn on of the hot plug
device, due to the method of gate drive used. The gate of the
power FET is charged through a high impedance resistor,
and from the time that the gate starts charging until the time
that it reaches its threshold voltage, there will be no
conduction. Once the gate reaches its threshold voltage, the
output current will begin a controlled ramp up phase.
This delay will be added to any timing delay due to the
enable/timer circuit.
Power Good
The power good circuit monitors the VGS voltage of the
power SENSEFET and compares it with the output voltage
of the internal charge pump. Once the VGS of the power
SENSEFET reaches around 90% of the internal charge
pump output voltage, the power good will change its state
from low impedance to high impedance but only after the
power good delay has elapsed. Figure 10 shows the power
good behavior during the startup of the NIS5102 device, an
external pullup resistor from power good to VCC was used.
The power good will change its state from high impedance
to low impedance in the event of any fault condition such as
short circuit and overvoltage.
Undervoltage Lockout
The UVLO circuit holds the chip off when the input
voltage is less than the turn−on limit. It includes internal
hysteresis to assure clean on/off switching. An internal
divider sets the turn−on voltage level at 16 V. This voltage
can be reduced by adding an external resistor from the
UVLO pin to the VCC pin. The equivalent circuit is shown
in Figure 18.