Preliminary version: Subject to technical modification.
Reflow profile
Profile Feature
Pb-Free Assembly/Sn-Pb Assembly
Average ramp-up rate (TL to Tp)
3°C/second max.
Preheat -Temperature Min (Tsmin)
-Temperature Min (Tsmax)
-Time (min to max) (ts)
60-180 seconds
Tsmax to TL - Ramp-up Rate
3°C/second max.
Time maintainted above - Temperature (TL)
- Time (tL)
60-150 seconds
Peak Temperature (Tp)
max 260°C
Time within 5°C of actual Peak Temperature (tp)
20-40 seconds
Ramp-down Rate
6°C/second max.
Time 25°C to Peak Temperature
8 minutes max.
Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.
Additional Information
This SMD oscillator has been designed for pick and place reflow soldering.
SMD oscillators must be on the top side of the PCB during the reflow process.
Vectron International • Product Specifications OX-4011-EAE-2580
20-May-26 by Göhrig, Detlef Index : P2 printed 2011-05-26 • page 3 of 4