NXP Semiconductors
Universal LCD driver for low multiplex rates
Using Equation 3, the discrimination for an LCD drive mode of 1:3 multiplex with
1⁄2 bias is 3 = 1.732 and the discrimination for an LCD drive mode of 1:4 multiplex with
1⁄2 bias is
1.528 .
The advantage of these LCD drive modes is a reduction of the LCD full scale voltage VLCD
as follows:
• 1:3 multiplex (1⁄2 bias): VLCD = 6 VoffRMS = 2.449VoffRMS
• 1:4 multiplex (1⁄2 bias): VLCD =
= 2.309VoffRMS
These compare with VLCD = 3VoffRMS when 1⁄3 bias is used.
It should be noted that VLCD is sometimes referred as the LCD operating voltage.
7.3.1 Electro-optical performance
Suitable values for Von(RMS) and Voff(RMS) are dependent on the LCD liquid used. The
RMS voltage, at which a pixel will be switched on or off, determine the transmissibility of
the pixel.
For any given liquid, there are two threshold values defined. One point is at 10 % relative
transmission (at Vth(off)) and the other at 90 % relative transmission (at Vth(on)), see
Figure 5. For a good contrast performance, the following rules should be followed:
VonRMS Vthon
VoffRMS Vthoff
Von(RMS) and Voff(RMS) are properties of the display driver and are affected by the selection
of a, n (see Equation 1 to Equation 3) and the VLCD voltage.
Vth(off) and Vth(on) are properties of the LCD liquid and can be provided by the module
It is important to match the module properties to those of the driver in order to achieve
optimum performance.
Product data sheet
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Rev. 6 — 16 June 2011
© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
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