Pl tronics, Inc.
. 19013 36th Ave. W, Suite H Lynnwood, WA 98036 USA
Manufacturer of High Quality Frequency Control Products
PE2245B PECL Series
10 Pad Leadless Surface Mount Clock Oscillator, see PE1145B for 6 Pad
Differential PECL Output with or without Enable/ Disable Function
All Connor-Winfield EE94-5XX Pinouts Available
10.00 MHz – 170.00 MHz
See PE1145T for higher frequencies
Standard Specifications
Overall Frequency Stability
Operating Temperature Range
Supply Voltage (Vcc)
Supply Current (Icc)
Output Load
Enable/Disable Option (E/D)
(as applicable)
± 50 PPM, ± 25 PPM, ± 20 PPM over Operating Temperature Range
0 to +80°C is standard, but can be extended to - 40 to +85°C for certain frequencies
3.3 volts ± 10% standard, but 5.0 volts or 2.5 volts also available
60 to 70 mA typical, 90 mA maximum for ³ 70 MHz. For < 70 MHz, consult factory
1 pS RMS maximum, from 12 kHz to 20 MHz from carrier for ³ 70 MHz. For < 70 MHz, consult factory
Output must be terminated into 50 ohms to (Vcc - 2.0 V). See Test Circuit 5 and Note 1.
Output enabled when E/D Pin is open or at CMOS Logic “1”;
Output disabled when E/D Pin is at CMOS Logic “0”.
Output Waveform
PECL with Differential Output
(see Waveform 2)
Note 1:
Tr & Tf
Logic “1”
Logic “0”
45/55% to 55/45% at 50% of Vcc level standard, tighter symmetry available
1.0 nS max (20 to 80%) for ³ 70 MHz. For < 70 MHz, consult factory
Vcc - 1.025 volts minimum
Vcc - 1.620 volts maximum
In the typical PECL 100K logic output Voh is 2.35 volts and Vol is 1.60 volts at 3.3 Vcc. The center voltage of the PECL is therefore1.975 volts.
If a 50 ohm resistor is placed between the output and Vcc – 2 volts (1.3 volts), the current through the resistor is (1.975 – 1.3) / 50 = 13.5 mA.
The same load can be simulated by a resistor of 147 ± 1% ohms to ground (1.975 / 0.0135 = 146.29 ohms). If additional load current is placed
on the output, its load current must be subtracted from the 13.5 mA to calculate a new load resistor. Using similar calculations, use 274 ± 1%
ohms to ground for 5.0V operation.
Part Numbering Guide
Portions of the part number that appear after the frequency may not be marked on part (C of C provided)
Tray or
24mm tape,
16mm pitch
PE22 45 B Y - 70.0M - XXX (Internal Code or blank)
(Pinout Option)
Frequency in MHz
PE20 PE23
PE21 PE24
Frequency Stability
45 = ± 50 PPM
44 = ± 25 PPM
20 = ± 20 PPM
Special Specifications (choose all that apply)
E: Extended Operating Temperature Range (- 40 to +85°C)
F: 47.5 /52.5% Symmetry at 50% of Vcc
V: Supply Voltage of 3.3 volts ± 10%
W: Supply Voltage of 2.5 volts ± 5%
Y: Supply Voltage of 5.0 volts ± 10%
Consult factory for available frequencies and specs. Not all options available for all frequencies. A special part number may be assigned.
Frequency Stability is inclusive of frequency shifts due to calibration, temperature, supply voltage, shock, vibration and load
Mechanical: inches (mm)
not to scale
Solder Pads
Due to part size and factory abilities, part marking may vary from lot to lot and may contain our part number or an internal code.
* Q Vcc
6 7 8 9 10
N.C. N.C.
10 9 8 7 6
N.C. N.C. N.C.
.560 (14.23) MAX
.217 (5.5)
PE2245B Series Pinout Options
Connor-Winfield EE94-5XX Equivalents
Option '0' '1' '2' '3' '4'
* Pin PE20 PE21 PE22 PE23 PE24
2 N.C. N.C. E/D QN E/D
6 N.C. QN N.C. N.C. QN
.400 (10.16)
July 2002
For Best Performance,
Do NOT allow any traces other than ground
under oscillators (Even in buried layers)
Pl tronics, Inc. (425) 776 -1880, Fax: (425) 776-2760,,