WM_PRJ_Q2400_PTS_002 - 002
24th January 2003
4 Connectors
4.1 General Purpose Connector
The GPC is a 60 pins connector with 0.5mm pitch from KYOCERA / AVX group
with the following reference :
14 5087 060 930 861.
The matting connector has the following reference :
24 5087 060 X00 8615.
The stacking height is 3.0 mm.
For further details see GPC data sheets in appendix. More information is also
available from http://www.avxcorp.com
4.2 SIM Card Reader
• ITT CANNON CCM03 series (see http://www.ittcannon.com )
• AMPHENOL C707 series (see http://www.amphenol.com )
• JAE (see http://www.jae.com )
Drawer type :
• MOLEX 99228-0002 (connector) / MOLEX 91236-0002 (holder) (see
http://www.molex.com )
4.3 Microphone
Possible suppliers :
5 X=2 or 9
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