Applications Information (Cont.)
General Design Procedure for a Step-down Power
Selection criterias and design procedures for the follow-
ing parameters are described:
1) Output inductor (L) type and value
2) Output capacitor (Co) type and value
3) Input capacitor (Cin) type and value
4) Power MOSFETs
5) Current sensing and limiting circuit
6) Voltage sensing circuit
7) Loop compensation network
The following step-down converter specifications are
Input voltage range: Vin,min and Vin,max
Input voltage ripple (peak-to-peak): DVin
Output voltage: Vo
Output voltage accuracy: e
Output voltage ripple (peak-to-peak): DVo
Nominal output (load) current: Io
Maximum output current limit: Io,max
Output (load) current transient slew rate: dIo (A/ s)
Circuit efficiency: K
Inductor (L) and Ripple Current
Both step-down controllers in the SC2545 operate in
synchronous continuous-conduction mode (CCM)
regardless of the output load level. The output inductor
selection/design is based on the output DC and transient
requirements. Both output current and voltage ripples
are reduced with larger inductance but it takes longer to
change the inductor current during load transients.
Conversely smaller inductance results in lower DC copper
losses but the AC core losses (flux swing) and the winding
AC resistance losses are higher. A compromise is to
choose the inductance such that peak-to-peak inductor
ripple-current is 20% to 30% of the rated output load
Assuming that the inductor current ripple (peak-to-peak)
value is *Io, tGhe inductance value will then be
/ 9R '
The peak current in the inductor becomes
The followings are to be considered when choosing
a) Inductor core material: For higher efficiency
applications above 300 kHz, ferrite, Kool-Mu and
polypermalloy materials should be used. Low-cost
powdered iron cores can be used for cost sensitive-
applications below 300 kHz but with attendant higher
core losses.
b) Select inductance value: Sometimes the calculated
inductance value is not available off-the-shelf. The
designer can choose the adjacent (larger) standard
inductance value. The inductance varies with
temperature and DC current. It is a good engineering
practice to re-evaluate the resultant current ripple at
the rated DC output current.
c) Current rating: The saturation current of the inductor
should be at least 1.5 times of the peak inductor current
under all conditions.
Output Capacitor (Co) and Vout Ripple
The output capacitor provides output current filtering in
steady state and serves as a reservoir during load
transient. The output capacitor can be modeled as an
ideal capacitor in series with its parasitic ESR and ESL
as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. An equivalent circuit of output.
If the current through the branch is ib(t), the voltage
across the terminals will then be
(1+ /2)*Io
and the RMS current is
This basic equation illustrates the effects of ESR, ESL,
and Co on the output voltage.
ã 2005 Semtech Corp.